Becky & Pinky's 2024 voting guide: COMING SOON

Hello & welcome back. We're glad you are here and can't wait to help you with the voting. We are hard at work with our team of voting guide fairies (caffine and memes) researching and prepping to bring you the 2024 voting guide. Guess what? The ballot this year is hella long, so send us your best vibes and get ready to do some voting.  In the meantime you can sign up below to get an email to us when we release the guide . No more wondering if it's out, we'll send it to you when it's ready!

P.S. you can use that same button to submit non-Denver local measures for our consideration we will try to accomodate as many as we are able. 

Voting is the bare minimum- what else are you committed to doing this year to elect progressive champs and pass progressive policy?! If you're reading/watching/listening to coverage of polls, the debates etc and feeling anxious- no better way to cure that than action. As our close personal friend, Michelle Obama, encouraged us recently  during a private conversation between just us "Do Something!"

You don't have to give millions to influence campaigns. Small donations make a BIG difference and volunteering can look like so many things: door knocking, phone & text banking, election protetion work and MORE. So to get you fired up we have included a few options for how you could spend some time and money. Do you have other ways to engage you want us to share?  If so pop us an email (email addresses all the way down below).

This is us getting hyped for this election year.

 If you want to walk back through the 2023 voter guide  go wild we guess?